My Fourth Vision 

My Fourth Vision

Is concerning myself,
The journeys I got to make,
My higher calling,
How every member of my family,
Will turn their back on me,
I have given up everything,
Very disappointed with my family,
The cares of the material world,
How shortsighted can they be,
It is but spiritual warfare,
And a mask has covered their eyes,
If given a lifeline I can turn,
The collapse of my business,
A mountain of debts,
That is artificially influenced,
Until I don't have a single penny,
Even don't have food to eat,
They think they can control me,
Each pushing their own agenda,
By restricting me access to money,
I will be forced to remain in Singapore.
You can use money to create lies,
But I am even greater than the elite,
Cause I know all the Truth.
I will leave my family,
And will do the most drastic,
I will turn my backs on them,
Becoming a citizen of another,
To another place far away,
Providing solutions to the world,
Solving the world's problems,
Only then will everything be resolved,
And everything will be restored,
I will receive a hundred fold more.

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