The Secrets to Problem Solving 

The Secrets to Problem Solving

The answer to the above question is,
If enough resources is allocated to problem solving,
You would have built a critical mass,
And its answers is in "numbers".
Let me elaborate,
In building a logical answer to your problems,
You will need to envisage a range of answers,
And the computer is very well adapted to handle that.
For example, if your goal is to find a Vaccine for Aids,
And you can only allocate X numbers of $,
You will have Y number of people working for you,
And they will take Z number of years to find a solution for you,
Let's say all factors are variable, and you will have unlimited resources,
You will definitely take months instead of years.
Let's take an example that if A-Z is the range of your solution,
How long will you think you will find your answers if it was done by a computer?
In real life that range may be unlimited,
But if enough information is input to the computer for comparison,
You will have a manageable range of answers,
Which can be rerun and analysed,
To find the exact answers you want.

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