The Forgotten 

The Forgotten

The wails of a newborn baby fills the air,
As the nurse lift the baby by its legs,
And gave it a very tight slaps,
She wrapped the baby with a clean cloth,
And hands it to the mother creator,
I can see it in her eyes,
Gleaming with a radiant smile,
A face filled with joy,
In a heavenly bliss,
Nothing in this world can compare,
This miraculous sight,
The birth of a newborn,
The aspirations of a new found parent,
A future of hope and great tidings,
Radiate across the room.

At the hospital bed,
A frail woman lay,
A woman who is advanced in age,
Lay sick in her final moments,
Her husband at her bedside,
Clapsed her wringkled hands,
Peace I can see in her eyes,
A Life well spent and blessed,
A face of inmost tranquility,
No fear of the journey beyond,
I can see, in her eyes,
When she grasp for her last breath,
And closes her eyes forever,
Tears roll down my face,
Knowing she has crossed the boundary,
The journey to world beyond.

Our Lifes are but a memory,
How fast time really flies,
In a twinkling of an eye,
We will be halfway across our journey,
The decisions we make,
The regrets of our youth,
Nothing beats having run a good race,
The memories we leave behind,
Friends and relations we make,
Will be forever edged in their minds,
It is sad that nowadays people are so preoccupied,
With the things of the world,
They have no time left,
To feed their spiritual souls,
When the time comes,
They will become - "The Forgotten".

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